Запиши се в безплатен онлайн курс на
топ университет от Европа и САЩ
Разгледай селекцията от курсове в различни професионални сфери и избери своя
Ако обмисляш да продължиш образованието си в университет в чужбина и:
  • Търсиш възможност да придобиеш базисни знания преди старта на обучението си в университет
  • Желаеш да направиш кандидатура си по-конкурентна и да добавиш стойност към твоето CV
  • Искаш да прецениш подходящата за теб област и да направиш съпоставка между различните специализации
  • Липсват ти конкретни знания, умения и разбиране на терминологията в областта
ДАРБИ ти дава възможност да се включиш безплатно в някой от изброените курсове, ако отговаряш на следните изисквания:
  • Възрастово ограничение: 17-19г
  • Ниво на английски език:  B2 ( може да заявите безплатен тест за определяне на ниво)
  • Период на провеждане: август – декември 2022

* Местата за някои от курсовете са ограничени и не може да се гарантира записване при запълване на капацитета им.

Избери своя курс и се регистрирай сега:

101. Web Programming with Python and JavaScript: Harvard University: 12 weeks / 6–9 hours per week 

102. Introduction to Game development: Harvard University: 12 weeks 6–9 hours per week 

103. Data Science R Basics: Harvard University: 8 weeks 1–2 hours per week 

104. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python: Harvard University: 7 weeks 10–30 hours per week 

105. Introduction to Computer Science: Harvard University: 12 weeks  6–18 hours per week 

106. Introduction to Programming in C++: NYU: 8 weeks 6–8 hours per week 

107. The Architectural Imagination: Harvard University: 10 weeks  3–5 hours per week 

108. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies : Berkeley University of California: 6 weeks 3–5 hours per week

109. Mental Health and Nutrition: University of Canterbury: 8 weeks 2–6 hours per week

110. Digital Marketing Strategy: University of Edinburgh: 8 weeks 4–6 hours per week

111. Principles of Biochemistry: Harvard University: 15 weeks 4–6 hours per week 

112. English Grammar and Style: University of Queensland: 8 weeks 3–4 hours per week

113. Introduction to Engineering Simulations: Cornell University: 6 weeks / 4–6 hours per week

114. Computer Science: Stanford: 6 weeks 4–6 hours per week

115. Introduction to Project Management: The University of Adelaide: 6 weeks 2–3 hours per week

116. Introduction to Biology: MIT: 16 weeks 5–10 hours per week

117. Circuits and Electronics 1: Basic Circuit Analysis: MIT: 5 weeks 5–7 hours per week

118. Foundations of Finance: Cambridge University: 5 weeks 3–5 hours per week

119. Basics of Computing and Programming: NYU: 9 weeks 6–8 hours per week

120. Introduction to Cybersecurity: University of Washington: 6 weeks 2–5 hours per week

121. Introduction to Networking: NYU: 7 weeks 3–5 hours per week

122. Microeconomics: MIT: 12 weeks 3–4 hours per week

123. Pre-University Physics: TU DELFT: 5 weeks 6–8 hours per week

124. Introduction to Marketing: University of Edinburgh: 6 weeks 2–3 hours per week

125. Finance Essentials: Imperial College London: 6 weeks 2–4 hours per week

126.Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering: TU DELFT: 7 weeks 10–12 hours per week

127. Product Design, Prototyping, and Testing: University of Maryland: 4 weeks 2–3 hours per week

128. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Finance: MIT: 12 weeks 2–3 hours per week

129. Introduction to the Internet of Things: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia: 6 weeks 5–6 hours per week

130. Molecular Foundations of Medicine: Stanford: 5 weeks 5–10 hours per week

131. Nutrition, Exercise and Sports: Wageningen University and Research: 6 weeks 4–8 hours per week

132. Introduction to Social Psychology: The university of Queensland: 7 weeks 1–2 hours per week

133. Introduction to Corporate Finance: Columbia University: 4 weeks 3–4 hours per week

134. Introduction to Game Design: MIT: 7 weeks 8–10 hours per week

135. Introduction to video game development with Unity: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia : 6 weeks /3–4 hours per week

136. Introduction to Engineering: University of Texas: 8 weeks 4–6 hours per week

137. Pre-University Calculus: TU DELFT: 8 weeks 6–8 hours per week

138. Finance: University of Michigan: 6 weeks 5–6 hours per week

139. Nutrition, Heart Disease and Diabetes: Wageningen University and Research: 5 weeks / 6–8 hours per week

140. Introduction to User Experience: HEC Montreal: 4 weeks 6–9 hours per week

141. Electric Cars: Introduction: TU DELFT: 4 weeks 4–5 hours per week

142. Introduction to Astrophysics: EPFL: 7 weeks 3–4 hours per week

143. What is Psychology? University of British Columbia: 3 weeks 8–12 hours per week

144. Circuits for Beginners (electrical engineering): National University of Singapore: 6 weeks / 2–3 hours per week

145. Autonomous Mobile Robots: ETH Zurich: 15 weeks 4–8 hours per week

146. Quantitative Biology Workshop: MIT: 9 weeks 4–8 hours per week

147. Creating Virtual Reality (VR) Apps: UC San Diego: 6 weeks 5–7 hours per week

148. Computer Programming for Engineers: Wichita State University: 8 hours

149. Computer Programming: Linear Systems for Engineers: Wichita State University: 8 hours

150. Computer Programming: Optimization for Engineers: Wichita State University: 8 hours

151. Innovation Management: Erasmus University Rotterdam: 11 hours

152. Econometrics: Erasmus University Rotterdam: 66 hours

153. Introduction to Communication science: University of Amsterdam: 10 hours

154. Media ethics & governance: University of Amsterdam: 9 hours

155. Local Economic Development: Erasmus University Rotterdam: 27 hours

156. Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics and Capital Budgeting: NYIF: 4 weeks 1–2 hours per week

157. Introduction to Game design: MIT: 7 weeks 8–10 hours per week

158. Introduction to Aerospace Engineering: Astronautics and Human Spaceflight: MIT: 8 weeks 3–4 hours per week

159. Introduction to Engineering: University of Texas: 8 weeks 4–6 hours per week



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